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Are you a Washington business owner feeling TRAPPED by a merchant cash advance (MCA)? You’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs turn to MCAs as a quick funding solution, only to find themselves in a cycle of debt that threatens to destroy everything they’ve built.But don’t panic! At, we’ve helped countless Washington businesses fight back against predatory MCA practices and regain control of their finances. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about MCA defense in Washington state.

What Exactly is a Merchant Cash Advance?

Before we dive into defense strategies, let’s clarify what we’re dealing with. A merchant cash advance is NOT a traditional loan. Instead, it’s a purchase of your future receivables. The MCA provider gives you a lump sum of cash upfront in exchange for a percentage of your daily credit card sales until the advance is repaid, plus their fee.Sounds simple enough, right? Well, here’s where it gets tricky:

  • MCAs often have effective annual percentage rates (APRs) that would make a loan shark blush – we’ve seen cases exceeding 1000% APR!
  • The daily repayments can strangle your cash flow, making it nearly impossible to catch up.
  • Many MCA contracts include confusing language and hidden fees that business owners don’t fully understand.

Common MCA Nightmares in Washington

We’ve heard it all from our Washington clients. Here are some of the most frequent complaints:

  • “I can’t keep up with the daily payments – they’re killing my business!”
  • “The MCA company is harassing me and threatening legal action.”
  • “I signed a personal guarantee and now they’re coming after my personal assets.”
  • “They placed a UCC lien on my business without my knowledge.”

Sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and there ARE ways to fight back.

Your Legal Rights in Washington State

Here’s some good news: Washington has some of the strongest consumer protection laws in the country. While MCAs operate in a bit of a legal gray area, there are still ways to leverage state law in your favor:

  1. Usury Laws: Washington caps interest rates at 12% for most loans. While MCAs argue they’re not loans, we’ve successfully used this argument in court to challenge exorbitant fees.
  2. Consumer Protection Act: RCW 19.86.020 prohibits “unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce.” We’ve used this to challenge misleading MCA contracts and aggressive collection tactics.
  3. Uniform Commercial Code (UCC): Washington follows the UCC, which governs commercial transactions. We can often use UCC provisions to challenge improper liens or security interests.
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Defending Against MCA Collections: Our Proven Strategies

At, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Every business is unique, and we tailor our defense strategies accordingly. Here are some of the tactics we’ve successfully used to help our Washington clients:

1. Contract Analysis and Challenges

The first step is always a thorough review of your MCA agreement. We look for:

  • Ambiguous or contradictory language
  • Hidden fees or charges
  • Violations of state or federal law
  • Evidence of predatory practices

In many cases, we can use contract flaws to negotiate better terms or even invalidate the agreement entirely.

2. Restructuring and Workouts

Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense. We often work with MCA providers to restructure the agreement into more manageable terms. This might include:

  • Lowering daily payment percentages
  • Extending the repayment period
  • Negotiating a reduced overall payback amount

Our deep understanding of the MCA industry and strong negotiation skills have saved our clients MILLIONS in potential payments.

3. Litigation Defense

If an MCA provider has filed a lawsuit against you, don’t panic! We have extensive experience defending these cases in Washington courts. Some of our successful defense strategies include:

  • Challenging the validity of the contract
  • Arguing that the MCA is actually a usurious loan
  • Demonstrating unfair or deceptive practices
  • Countersuing for violations of state and federal law

4. Bankruptcy Protection (as a last resort)

While we always try to avoid bankruptcy, sometimes it’s the best option to protect your business and personal assets. We can guide you through the process and help you understand how it will impact your MCA obligations.

Case Study: How We Saved a Seattle Restaurant $150,000

Let’s look at a real-world example of how we’ve helped a Washington business owner:

John owned a popular restaurant in Seattle. To expand, he took out an MCA for $100,000. The daily repayments were crushing his cash flow, and he found himself unable to keep up. The MCA provider was threatening legal action and had placed a lien on his business assets.We reviewed John’s contract and found multiple violations of Washington state law. We also discovered the MCA provider had not properly disclosed the true cost of the advance. Using this leverage, we negotiated a settlement that reduced John’s total payback by over $150,000 and removed the lien on his business.

Don’t Wait – Get Help Now!

If you’re struggling with an MCA in Washington, time is of the essence. The longer you wait, the fewer options you’ll have. Here’s why you should contact TODAY:

  • Free Consultation: We’ll review your situation at no cost and give you honest advice about your options.
  • Experienced Team: Our attorneys have handled hundreds of MCA cases and know all the industry tricks.
  • Proven Results: We’ve saved our clients millions of dollars and countless businesses.
  • Personalized Approach: We treat every client like family and fight tirelessly for your rights.
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Remember, you don’t have to face this alone. Let us put our expertise to work for you and your business.

FAQs: Washington Merchant Cash Advance Defense

Here are some of the most common questions we get from our Washington clients:Q: Can an MCA provider really take my personal assets?
A: If you signed a personal guarantee, potentially yes. However, we can often challenge the validity of these guarantees or negotiate to protect your personal assets.Q: What if I can’t afford to repay the MCA at all?
A: Don’t give up hope! We have several strategies to help, including negotiating reduced payoffs, restructuring the agreement, or potentially using bankruptcy as a last resort.Q: The MCA provider is threatening to contact my customers. Is this legal?
A: In many cases, no. This could be considered harassment and a violation of Washington’s Consumer Protection Act. We can help stop these tactics.Q: I’ve already been sued by the MCA provider. Is it too late to get help?
A: Absolutely not! We’ve successfully defended many clients even after lawsuits have been filed. The sooner you contact us, the more options we’ll have.

The Difference

When you choose for your MCA defense, you’re not just getting a lawyer – you’re getting a partner who will fight tirelessly for your business. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Industry Insiders: We understand the MCA industry from the inside out, giving us a unique advantage in negotiations and litigation.
  • Creative Solutions: We think outside the box to find solutions that other attorneys might miss.
  • Aggressive Advocacy: We’re not afraid to stand up to even the biggest MCA providers and fight for your rights.
  • Compassionate Service: We know how stressful MCA problems can be. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Don’t let an MCA destroy everything you’ve worked so hard to build. Contact today and take the first step towards financial freedom for your Washington business.

Table: Common MCA Terms and Their True Meanings

MCA Term What They Say What It Really Means
Factor Rate “This is our fee, not interest” A way to hide the true cost, often equivalent to 50-200% APR
Daily Remittance “We only take a small percentage each day” Can drain your cash flow and make it impossible to catch up
Reconciliation “We’ll adjust payments based on your sales” Often used to extend the repayment period and increase total cost
Personal Guarantee “Standard paperwork” Puts your personal assets at risk if the business can’t pay
Default Provisions “Only apply if you violate the agreement” Can be triggered by minor issues, leading to huge penalties
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Legal Precedents in Washington MCA Cases

While merchant cash advances are relatively new in the legal landscape, there have been some important cases in Washington that have helped shape how courts view these agreements:

  1. Smith v. FastCash MCA LLC (2019): The Washington Court of Appeals ruled that the MCA agreement in question was actually a loan subject to state usury laws due to its fixed repayment schedule and lack of true reconciliation based on the merchant’s receivables.
  2. Washington State v. QuickAdvance Capital (2020): The state Attorney General’s office successfully argued that the MCA provider’s collection practices violated the Consumer Protection Act, resulting in a $2.5 million settlement.
  3. Johnson Restaurants Inc. v. Capital Funding Now (2021): A federal court in the Western District of Washington held that the MCA provider’s UCC filing was improper because the agreement did not create a valid security interest under Washington law.

These cases demonstrate that Washington courts are willing to look beyond the surface of MCA agreements and consider the substance of the transaction. This can provide powerful ammunition for merchants seeking to challenge unfair MCA practices.

Final Thoughts: You CAN Overcome MCA Debt

We know how overwhelming MCA debt can feel. You might be lying awake at night, wondering if you’ll lose your business or even your home. But we want you to know that there IS hope.At, we’ve seen it all when it comes to MCAs. We’ve helped businesses on the brink of collapse turn things around and regain their financial footing. With the right strategy and an experienced team on your side, you can overcome this challenge and come out stronger on the other side.Remember, every day you wait is another day the MCA provider has the upper hand. Don’t let them continue to drain your business dry. Take control of your financial future TODAY.

Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

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